











Part C II, 13で参照されるPart A VII, 1.2.4:配列リストの言語に関する要件

For applications filed on or after 1 July 2022 which contain a sequence listing, the EPO as receiving Office not only accepts sequence listings with language-dependent free text in English or in the same language as used in the international application (French or German) but also permits language-dependent free text to be filed in both English and any other language within a single sequence listing.

2022年7月1日以降に提出され、配列リストを含む出願については、受理官庁としてのEPO(※)は、英語または国際出願で使用されている言語 (フランス語またはドイツ語)で言語に依存するフリーテキストを含む配列リストを受け入れるだけでなく、単一の配列リスト内で、言語に依存するフリーテキストを英語と他の言語の両方で提出することも許可します。



Part C II, 1.1:国際予備審査請求書の提出期限

Pursuant to Rule 54bis PCT, the demand may be validly submitted at any time prior to the expiry of the following time limits, whichever expires later:

– three months from the date of transmittal to the applicant of the ISR and WO-ISA by the ISA or

– 22 months from the (earliest) priority date.

This time limit guarantees that applicants have at least three months from the date of mailing of the ISR to decide on the basis of the results of the international search laid down in the ISR and the WO-ISA whether they want to file a demand with amendments and/or arguments.

If the demand is submitted after expiry of this time limit, the demand is considered to have not been submitted.

Possibilities to withdraw a demand and obtain a refund of the fees paid are limited (see A-III, 9.6 and 9.7, respectively).








Part C II, 1.1.1:国内段階移行の延期請求の提出期限

Most contracting states apply Article 22 PCT as amended with effect from 1 April 2002. For these states, the 30/31-month time limit for entry into the national/regional phase applies regardless of whether the applicant has submitted the demand for international preliminary examination within 19 months of the (earliest) priority date.

The EPO too applies Article 22 PCT as amended with effect from 1 April 2002. Therefore, the time limit for entry into the European phase is always 31 months from the priority date, irrespective of whether a demand has been filed or not.

However, in respect of a small number of designated Offices, the former wording of Article 22(1) PCT still applies. The list of contracting states for which it is still applicable is published on the WIPO website. According to the latest information from WIPO (status on 1 January 2024), the 20/21-month time limit applies to the following states: Luxembourg (LU) and United Republic of Tanzania (TZ). However, in respect of the regional designation of each of these states, the time limit under amended Article 22 PCT applies.

Therefore, if an applicant wants to enter the national phase for these states, the demand must be received by the competent IPEA within 19 months of the (earliest) priority date to secure the right to entry into the national phase being delayed until expiry of 30/31 months from the priority date.

Moreover, for these states, the applicant must respect the 19-month time limit even where the ISR and the WO-ISA are not yet available. In other words, a delay in the international search does not bring about a change in the 19-month time limit, since this time limit is exclusively calculated on the basis of the (earliest) priority date.

For states applying Article 22(1) PCT in its former wording, a demand filed with the EPO after expiry of 19 months from the priority date but prior to

– three months from the date of transmittal to the applicant of the ISR and the written opinion (WO-ISA) by the ISA or

– 22 months from the (earliest) priority date

is valid, but does not have the effect of postponing commencement of the national phase to 30/31 months from the priority date for the states in question.






PCT22条(1)を以前の文言で適用している国については、優先日から 19か月が経過した後、ただし、






Part C IV, 1:IPEAが審査する必要のない主題に関して

A second written opinion will be issued on condition that the applicant files in due time a substantive reply either to the WO-ISA established by the EPO or to the first written opinion established by the EPO as IPEA. Thus, before issuing a “negative” IPER, the EPO as IPEA will, as a rule, issue a second written opinion, thereby providing the applicant with a further opportunity to submit amendments and/or arguments to overcome any objections raised therein. A request for a second written opinion need not be filed.

The EPO as IPEA will not perform an international preliminary examination on any claim for which no international search was performed. In this context it is not relevant whether the applicant files amendments and/or arguments that, allegedly, overcome the reasons for the decision of the ISA not to search the claims concerned (see C-IV, 4). Furthermore, the EPO as IPEA will use its discretion not to carry out preliminary examination if the application relates to subject-matter listed in Rule 67 PCT to the extent that such subject-matter is not regarded as an invention or susceptible of industrial application or is excluded from patentability under the provisions of the EPC (see B-VIII, 2).

Also, if the application fails to comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful opinion can be formed on novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability, no preliminary opinion on these questions will be established.





