特許庁 地域団体商標に特化した販売会を初開催
指定商品:第29類 富山湾産のシロエビ
指定商品:第20類 石川県金沢市において主要な生産工程が行われた仏壇
指定商品:第21類 福井県小浜市産の塗箸
(2025年2月10日 一部当所にて抜粋・要約して利用)
- 仮想空間におけるデザインに関する意匠制度の在り⽅
- 意匠法条約を確定し採択するための外交会議の結果に関する報告について
① 仮想空間での利用を想定した3Dモデル等の制作・販売
② 仮想空間を利用したプラットフォームの提供
③ 仮想空間におけるイベント開催
④ 3Dシミュレーターを活用した営業・販売促進
⑤ デジタルツイン(現実空間の物体・状況を仮想空間上に「双子」のように再現したもの)を活用した業務等の最適化・効率化
国立国会図書館 ニュース
国立国会図書館 複写サービス
図書館等公衆送信補償金管理協会(SARLIB) 図書館等公衆送信補償金制度について
Newsletter translated into English
Japan Patent Office to Hold First Sales Event Dedicated to Regional Collective Trademarks
In order to further promote the regional collective trademark system, the Japan Patent Office will hold for the first time a sales event dedicated to regional collective trademarks. The event, titled “Discover the Charm! Festival of Local Brands” will be held at the event space inside the ticket gate of Tokyo Station from Friday, February 28 to Sunday, March 2, 2025.
The event has a theme of “Connecting With and Energizing Hokuriku,” and will be open to participation by holders of regional collective trademark rights in Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures, which are located in the Hokuriku region of Japan. It will feature sales of gourmet foods and crafts from the region, as well as workshops and quizzes.
Some of the regional collective trademarks held by the participating organizations are listed below.
– Toyama Bay White Shrimp (富山湾のシロエビ, Registration No. 5560063)
Rights holders: Shinminato Fishery Cooperative, Toyama City Fishery Cooperative, Toyama Prefecture Federation of Fishery Cooperatives
Designated goods: (Class 29) White shrimp from Toyama Bay
– Kanazawa Buddhist Altar (金沢仏壇, Registration No. 5003045)
Rights holder: Kanazawa Buddhist Altar Merchant Cooperative
Designated goods: (Category 20) Buddhist altars for which the principal production process is carried out in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
– Wakasa-nuri Lacquered Chopsticks (若狭塗箸, Registration No. 5067438)
Right holder: Wakasa-nuri Lacquered Chopsticks Cooperative
Designated goods: Class 21 Lacquered chopsticks made in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture
The purpose of the regional collective trademark system is to revitalize regional economies by protecting “regional brands”. Under certain conditions, the requirements for registration of a trademark consisting of a combination of a regional name and a product (service) name, etc., which would normally be difficult to register from the standpoint of distinctiveness, are relaxed.
Since the name of the region and the goods or services must be related in order to be registered, the designated goods and services are in the format “XX (name of product) from XX (name of region)” etc. as indicated above.
It is hoped that further expansion of the regional collective trademark system and its utilization through events such as this will promote industrial development that makes the most of regional characteristics.
“Discover the Charm! Festival of Local Brands” (Japan Patent Office)
“What is the Regional Collective Trademark System?”
(Summarized in part by our firm on February 10, 2025)
“Issues for Consideration Regarding the Design System” – 17th Subcommittee on Design System
On February 10, 2025, the 17th meeting of the Design System Subcommittee was held at the JPO to discuss the following issues related to the design system:
- The current state of the design system for designs in virtual spaces.
- A report on the outcome of the diplomatic conference to finalize and adopt the Design Law Treaty.
Based on the document “Issues for Consideration Regarding the Design System” distributed at said subcommittee meeting, we will examine the issue of the “current state of the design system for designs in virtual spaces”.
Expansion of business based on utilization of virtual space
The development of VR technology has improved the realism and immersion of virtual spaces, enabling experiences that are comparable to those in real space, and various businesses are developing based on utilization of virtual spaces.
Business entities that are based on utilizing virtual spaces can be broadly classified into the following two categories:
(1) Business entities primarily engaged in business related to real space (“real space business entities”)
(2) Business entities primarily engaged in business related to virtual spaces (“virtual space business entities”)
Examples of businesses based on utilizing virtual spaces
(i) Production and sale of 3D models and other products for use in virtual spaces
(ii) Providing a platform using a virtual space
(iii) Holding events in a virtual space
(iv) Sales and sales promotion using 3D simulations
(v) Optimization and streamlining of operations, etc. by utilizing digital twins (objects and situations that exist in real space that have a matching “twin” created in a virtual space)
How “virtual spaces” are viewed by the Subcommittee
There is no established definition of a “virtual space”, but for now, the discussion will proceed with the term “virtual space” understood to mean “a space, other than a ‘real space’ (a 3D space that exists physically), which appears to human senses to exist in three dimensions by use of a VR device or the like.”
Since the subject matter to be protected by design law does not necessarily need to be linked to the way a “virtual space” is viewed, consideration of this issue is deepened in conjunction with the direction of institutional measures.
Direction of new institutional measures
From 2023 onwards, opinions were heard on the direction of the institutional measures ((1) and (2) below), etc. which target both business entities (including creators) based in virtual spaces and business entities based in real space.
Direction (1) of the institutional measures: Expansion of registrable types beyond the current types (goods, buildings, and some images).
Direction (2) of the institutional measures: Expansion of the scope of implementation of design rights for goods and buildings to include virtual spaces.
In light of the actual situation regarding imitations in virtual spaces, the committee decided to consider the directions of new institutional measures in a manner consistent with the current Design Law (see (iii) below), taking into consideration the balance between protection and utilization for both business entities in real space and business entities in virtual spaces, as well as issues regarding the directions that were obtained from opinion hearings.
Direction (3) of the institutional measures: A design in a virtual space should be protected as an image design, which is a current registrable type of design.
Direction (3) of the institutional measures is to make images representing the shape of goods, etc. protectable as image designs, in addition to images indicating operation and display, which are the current registrable types.
The next meeting of the Design System Subcommittee will be held in March or April 2025.
We will continue to pay close attention to the Design System with regard to designs in virtual spaces that are currently being considered by the JPO.
Issues for Consideration Concerning the Design System (JPO)
(Accessed on February 17, 2025; the above article prepared by our firm based on pages 4, 9, 10, 21, 27, and 28)
National Diet Library Launches Remote Copying (PDF Download) Service
On February 6, 2025, the National Diet Library announced that it will launch a “remote copying (PDF download)” service on February 20, 2025, providing copies in PDF format in addition to its existing “remote copying (receiving by mail)” service, in which paper copies are sent by mail.
This service allows users to request photocopies of materials held by the National Diet Library without visiting the library and receive PDF files of the photocopied materials. Applications and PDF files can be made through “National Diet Library Search” (https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/#ndls).
Note that, in principle, the scope of photocopying is limited to a part of a work, in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act.
■ Materials Subject to the Service
Materials held by the National Diet Library (including digitized materials)
● Publications of sheet music, publications of maps, collections of photographs, art books, magazines within one year of publication, etc. are exempt from the service under the Copyright Act and other regulations.
■ Users Eligible for the Service
Registered individual users of the National Diet Library (with formal registrations)
● Applications for use by users with simplified registrations and by libraries and other institutions are not accepted.
■ Copying Fees
The total fee includes the following (1 and 2):
1. The cost of making copies
● Costs will vary depending on the type of materials to be copied and the copying method.
2. An amount equivalent to the compensation to be paid to the copyright holder*.
* Public Transmission Compensation System for Libraries, etc.
Under the revised Copyright Act enacted in 2021, in addition to the previously permitted copying and provision of a part of a work to library visitors for the purpose of research and study, it is also now possible to send a part of a work to users in remote areas via an email attachment or the like, and a compensation system was introduced to compensate for the disadvantages suffered by copyright holders and publishers as a result.
National Diet Library, ‘News’
National Diet Library, ‘Photocopying Service’
Society for Administration of Remuneration for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities (SARLIB), ‘Regarding the Compensation Scheme for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities’