- 削除請求
- 発信者情報開示請求
- 損害賠償請求
文化庁 報道発表
2024年11月、意匠法条約を確定し採択するための外交会議が、サウジアラビアのリヤドで開催されました。知的財産権についての国際条約には、「特許法条約」、「商標法条約」「商標法に関するシンガポール条約」等がありますが、意匠法についても、新たに「リヤド意匠法条約(Riyadh Design Law Treaty)」が採択されました。
① 出願及び申請時に官庁が課すことができる要件
② グレースピリオド(新規性喪失等の例外)
③ 出願・登録意匠の非公表の維持(秘密意匠制度)
④ 手続救済措置
(a) 官庁が指定する手続期間の延長
(b) 意匠出願または登録に関する権利回復
(c) 優先権主張の訂正・追加
(d) 優先権回復
J-PlatPat 意匠・商標検索結果表示件数の大幅増加
- 【意匠・商標】検索条件の保存機能の追加
- 【商標】人名検索(「出願人/権利者/名義人」、「異議申立人」等の検索)について、完全一致検索から部分一致検索へ変更
※特許・実用新案・意匠については、以前より部分一致検索 - 【意匠・商標】検索結果一覧画面において、公報のPDFファイルの一括ダウンロード機能追加(最大20件まで)
Newsletter translated into English
Agency for Cultural Affairs: Publication of Project to Support Individual Creators Exercising Rights against Copyright Infringement, etc. Online
The recent increase in the number of copyright infringement cases and suspected infringement cases on the Internet, including piracy, has caused significant damage to individuals, etc. who own copyrights, etc. (hereinafter, “individual creators”). In light of this situation, the Agency for Cultural Affairs has been promoting improvement and maintenance of the creative environment for individual creators, by operating a consultation service for copyright infringement by attorneys since August 2022. In addition to these efforts, the Agency for Cultural Affairs has now announced that from January 14, 2025 it will launch a program to subsidize legal fees, etc., for individual creators who are exercising their rights against copyright infringement on the Internet.
For individual creators, responding to copyright infringement has become a heavy burden in terms of both time and money. The implementation of this project is expected to establish a stronger copyright protection system and to create an environment which makes it easier for creators to protect their rights and in which they can focus on their creative activities with peace of mind.
Outline of the Project
When individual creators entrust attorneys to enforce their copyrights, etc. against copyright infringement, etc. on the Internet, a portion of the costs will be supported.
Cases in which support may be received
Support may be received in cases in which individual creators, etc. consult with the Consultation Service for Copyright Infringement by Pirated Copies on the Internet provided by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and the lawyer in charge of the consultation determines that there is a high probability of copyright infringement.
Support costs
Expenses mainly related to the following (1-3):
- Request for deletion
- Request for disclosure of sender’s information
- Claim for damages
Maximum amount of support
Up to 1.5 million yen per case.
* Up to 4 million yen if expenses related to claims for damages are included.
* The amount borne by the applicant at the time of application (11,000 yen including tax) is deductible.
Agency for Cultural Affairs Press Release
“Project to Support the Exercise of Rights against Copyright Infringement, etc. on the Internet”
website: https://bansou.support/JNCA/
Adoption of the Riyadh Design Law Treaty
In November 2024, a diplomatic conference was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to finalize and adopt a design law treaty. International treaties on intellectual property rights include the “Patent Law Treaty”, the “Trademark Law Treaty”, and the “Singapore Treaty on Trademark Law”, among others, and now in addition the Riyadh Design Law Treaty has been newly adopted regarding design law.
The Riyadh Design Law Treaty is intended to harmonize and simplify national procedures which differ from country to country, and to reduce the burden for applicants. It will come into effect three months after a group of 15 countries and governmental agencies have deposited their letters of ratification or membership.
The main content of the Riyadh Design Law Treaty is listed below. (Source: JPO website)
(1) Requirements that may be imposed by an Office at the time of filing and application
In design applications and various application documents, the contracting party shall enumerate and specify the requirements and necessary information, and the imposition of additional requirements shall be prohibited.
(2) Grace period (exception to loss of novelty, etc.)
Even if a design is published during the grace period (12 months prior to the priority date), it is treated as not having lost novelty, etc.
(However, the contracting party may declare a reservation regarding the application of this provision at the time of joining the treaty.)
(3) Maintenance of non-disclosure of applied/registered designs (secret design system)
An application or registered design can be kept unpublished for a minimum of 6 months from the date of application.
(However, the contracting party may declare a reservation regarding the application of this provision at the time of joining the treaty.)
(4) Procedural remedies
(a) Extension of office-designated procedural periods
A remedial measure that allows for an extension of at least one month is introduced, provided that the requirements are met.
(The contracting party may choose whether the application for extension is to be made before or after the expiration of the period.)
(b) Reinstatement of rights in connection with a design application or registration
If there is no remedial measure (as mentioned in (a)) and rights have been lost as a direct result of the expiration of the period, the rights of the applicant or others concerning the design application or registration may be restored, subject to certain criteria (reasonable care taken or unintentional) and the requirements set forth in the treaty and regulations.
(c) Correction or addition of priority claim
Subject to the requirements set forth in the treaty and regulations, corrections or additions to the claim of priority shall be permitted.
(d) Restoration of priority rights
Even after the priority period has expired, the right of priority may be restored, subject to specified criteria (reasonable care taken or unintentional) and the requirements set forth in the treaties and regulations.
(However, the contracting party may declare a reservation regarding the application of this provision at the time of joining the treaty.)
Japan Patent Office website
Significant Increase in the Number of Design and Trademark Search Results Displayed in J-PlatPat
The functionality of J-PlatPat has been improved so that from January 6, 2025, the number of search results displayed when searching for designs and trademarks has been significantly increased.
Whereas previously the number of items displayed was limited to 3,000, the service can now display ten times that, i.e. up to 30,000 results.
The number of cases in CSV outputs of search results has also been expanded accordingly to 30,000 items. Until January 2021, the upper limit for CSV outputs was 100 items, meaning that there has been a 300-fold increase in about four years.
If the number of results found exceeds the number that can be displayed, the search results cannot be displayed unless the number of results found is reduced to below the upper limit by narrowing the search range by specifying a range of application dates, registration dates, or the like.
With the maximum number of displayed items increased to 30,000, users can now use J-PlatPat even more conveniently for design and trademark searches, map portfolio creation, etc.
Past Improvements
J-PlatPat has been improved intermittently, and significant functional improvements were made in 2023.
Major past improvements related to designs and trademarks include the following:
- [Designs and Trademarks] Added the ability to save search criteria.
- [Trademarks] Changed from complete match search to partial match search for person searches (“applicant/right holder/holder”, “opponent”, etc.).
*Partial match search was available for patents, utility models, and designs for some time prior to trademarks. - [Designs and Trademarks] Added the ability to batch download PDF files of gazettes (up to 20 files) on the search results list screen.
Further functional and convenience improvements are expected in the future.
“Notice of Improvement of J-PlatPat Functions (December 16, 2024)” (National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training)
“J-PlatPat (Japan Platform for Patent Information) Release Notes” (National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training)