






URL: https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/report/nenji/2024/document/index/all.pdf (2024年8月9日に利用)













1. 知的財産取引に関するガイドライン





【契約締結前】・ 相手方の秘密情報を相手方の事前の承諾なく、取得、又は、開示を強要しない
・ 相手方の意思に反して、秘密保持契約締結無しに、相手方の秘密を知り得る行為をしない
【試作品製造・共同開発等】・ 無償の技術指導・試作品製造等の強制をしない
・ 承諾がない知的財産やノウハウ等の利用をしない
・ 共同開発の成果は、技術やアイディアの貢献度によって決められることが原則、これと異なる場合は相当の対価を支払う
【製造委託・製造販売・請負販売等】・ 製造委託本来の目的に照らして、合理的に必要と考えられる範囲を超えて、相手方の技術情報等の提供を求めない。 これを求める場合には相当の対価を支払う
・ 製造委託の目的物とされていない、金型の設計図面、CADデータその他技術データの提供を当事者の意に反して強制しない
・ 監査や品質保証等の観点から秘密情報の開示を受ける必要がある場合には、あらかじめ監査等を必要とする箇所を明確にし、その目的を超えた秘密情報の取得をしない
【特許出願・知的財産権の無償譲渡・無償許諾】・ 取引と直接関係のない、又は、独自に開発した成果について、出願等に干渉しない
・ 相手方に帰属する知的財産権について、無償譲渡の強要や自社への単独帰属を強要しない。 また相手方の知的財産権の無償実施を強制しない


2. 知財Gメンによるヒアリングとガイドラインの改正  










URL: https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2024/07/20240731001/20240731001.html

URL: https://www.chusho.meti.go.jp/keiei/torihiki/chizai_guideline.html

(2024年8月9日 一部当所にて要約して利用)





Newsletter translated into English

Publication of the Patent Administration Annual Report 2024

In July 2024, the Patent Administration Annual Report 2024 was published on the JPO website. This is a summary of domestic and international trends in intellectual property and the JPO’s initiatives to deepen awareness and understanding of the intellectual property system.

Here, we will mainly present a part of the report regarding design applications to the Japan Patent Office.


Source: “Patent Administration Annual Report 2024” (Japan Patent Office)
URL: https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/report/nenji/2024/document/index/all.pdf (Utilized on August 9, 2024)
※Prepared by our firm based on pages 33-34.



Agency for Cultural Affairs Release “AI Copyright Checklist & Guidance”

On July 31, 2024, the Agency for Cultural Affairs published on its website the “AI Copyright Checklist & Guidance”, a collections of the agency’s policies for the reduction copyright risks and protections of the rights of copyright holders as AI technology becomes more widespread.

The “AI Copyright Checklist & Guidance” is a 44-page document consisting of two parts.

The first part, “Checklist for AI Development, Provision, and Use”, lists matters necessary for companies and individuals using AI technology to avoid copyright-related risks. Specifically, it classifies each stakeholder into four positions: “AI developer”, “AI provider”, “AI user” and “non-business user (general user)”, and explains in detail how to use copyrighted materials appropriately and the importance of dataset management.

The second part, “Guidance for Rights Holders”, presents information and measures for copyright holders and performers, etc. to protect their own rights, and includes specific guidance on how to assert and manage their rights against AI-generated content.

<Reference URL>
AI Copyright Checklist & Guidance


Small and Medium Enterprise Agency: Intellectual Property Contracts – Guidelines for Intellectual Property Transactions

The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency has established the Study Group on Intellectual Property Transactions to discuss measures to properly promote intellectual property transactions. Based on these discussions, the “Guidelines for Intellectual Property Transactions” were prepared and published in March 2021, and from 2022, “IP G-men” were established to conduct hearings from SMEs specifically on IP transaction issues, in an effort to ascertain the actual status of IP transactions by SMEs.


1. Guidelines for Intellectual Property Transactions

These Guidelines were established to prevent problem cases in transactions involving intellectual property between large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises and to promote coexistence and co-prosperity among enterprises in intellectual property transactions. The contents of the guidelines are problem cases that were extracted from hearing surveys conducted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, reports by the Japan Fair Trade Commission, hearing surveys by subcontractor G-men, and consultation cases received by the JPO, as well as descriptions of “what should be done” in transactions involving intellectual property in accordance with the stages of transactions in an arrangement that identifies matters that require special attention. The points are as follows.


[Points of guideline]

[Prior to the conclusion of the contract]・ Do not demand the acquisition or disclosure of the other party’s confidential information without the prior consent of the other party.
・ Do not take actions to gain knowledge of the other party’s secrets against the other party’s will and without a nondisclosure agreement.
[Prototype production, joint development, etc.]・ Do not demand free technical guidance, manufacture of prototypes, etc.
・ Do not use intellectual property, know-how, etc. without consent.
・ In principle, the outcome of joint development is determined by the degree of contribution to the technology or idea, and reasonable compensation shall be paid if there is a discrepancy.
[Contract manufacturing, manufacturing and sales, contract sales, etc.]・ Do not request the other party provide technical information, etc. beyond what is considered reasonably necessary in light of the original purpose of the manufacturing consignment. If this is requested, reasonable compensation shall be paid.
・ The provision of mold design drawings, CAD data, and other technical data that are not considered the subject matter of the manufacturing consignment shall not be demanded against the will of the parties concerned.
・ When confidential information is required to be disclosed from the viewpoint of audit or quality assurance, etc., the parts requiring audit, etc. shall be clarified in advance, and confidential information shall not be obtained beyond said purpose.
[Patent applications, free assignment and free grant of intellectual property rights]・Do not interfere with the filing of applications, etc. for results that are not directly related to the transaction or that have been independently developed.
・ Do not demand the assignment of intellectual property rights belonging to the counterparty free of charge or demand the sole ownership of intellectual property rights by the counterparty. Do not demand the enforcement of the counterparty intellectual property


2. Hearings by IP G-men and Revision of Guidelines

An investigation by the IP G-men has identified cases where contracts have been concluded under which, in the event of an IPR dispute with a third party with respect to deliverables to the ordering party, the ordering party may, without exception, shift responsibility to the SME that received the order. In light of the possibility of similar contracts between other businesses, it was decided to revise the current guidelines, and public comments have been accepted since July 31, 2024.

Guideline Revisions


3. To Clients

Although we understand that you have certainly taken the necessary steps already, in order to ensure coexistence and co-prosperity among companies, please continue to pay attention to the following points.

・Check existing contracts for clauses that may allow the act of shifting responsibility.

・Take care to ensure that future contracts do not include acts of shifting responsibility, and that they are concluded after sufficient consultation to ensure that the interests of SMEs are not unfairly infringed upon.

・When SMEs consult regarding a review of contract clauses, modification of the contract should be considered to correct the form so that it does not conflict with the “Promotion Standards” of the Act on the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Subcontractors with reference to the “Guidelines and Model Contract Forms for Intellectual Property Transactions” published by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.


Source: “Response to Acts of Shifting Responsibility and Burden of Disputes Concerning Intellectual Property Rights to Subcontractors” (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)
URL: https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2024/07/20240731001/20240731001.html

Source: “Guidelines and Model Contract Forms for Intellectual Property Transactions” (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)
URL: https://www.chusho.meti.go.jp/keiei/torihiki/chizai_guideline.html

(August 9, 2024, partially abridged and used by our firm)


