



米国知的財産所有者協会(IPO)が 2024年の企業別特許取得ランキングを発表しました。

IPOによると、2024年は324,042件(前年比 4%増)の特許が発行されています。

ランキングでは、Samsung Electronicsが9,304件で昨年に続き首位となりました。2位は5,156件のLG、3位は4,010件のTSMCとなり、上位3社がアジアを本拠地とする企業となりました。




三極特許庁⻑官・ユーザー会合 国際シンポジウムの結果について

2025年1月30日、JPOは東京科学大学との共催で、「三極特許庁長官・ユーザー会合 国際シンポジウム 〜知的財産と技術移転︓成長するイノベーションエコシステムの構築〜」を東京にて開催しました。


WIPO ヨーゲンセン事務局次長(WIPOを代表)、EPO カンピーノス長官(欧州、知財庁を代表)、JIPA 若代副理事長(日本民間を代表)、AIPLA アナスタシ氏(米国、弁理士を代表)、小野長官(日本、知財庁を代表)などがパネリストをつとめました。




2月13日、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)のダレン・タン(Daren Tang)事務局長が、経済産業省を訪問し、武藤大臣と会談しました。


また、同日、タン事務局長は特許庁の小野長官と特許庁で会談しました。会談では、万博において国際フォーラムの開催を通じてWIPO GREENの活用促進に貢献することや、知財活用企業への表彰を行うことについて、認識を共有しました。また、ジャパン・ファンドを通じたWIPO GREENの取組を今後一層拡充していくことや、WIPO GREENアンバサダープログラムへの協力などについて意見交換を行いました。WIPO GREENアンバサダープログラムについては、日本知的財産協会(JIPA)及び特許庁同席の下、タン事務局長と、WIPO GREEN日本アンバサダーに就任されたダイキン工業株式会社の山本常務専任役員との会談が行われました。


UPC Long-arm jurisdiction





Newsletter translated into English

U.S. Patent Acquisition Ranking

The U.S. Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) has released its 2024 ranking of companies by number of patents acquired.

According to the IPO, 324,042 patents were issued in 2024 (a 4% increase over the previous year).

The top three companies in the ranking are based in Asia, with Samsung Electronics taking the top spot with 9,304 patents, followed by LG with 5,156 and TSMC with 4,010.

U.S. companies ranked in the top 10 are Qualcomm (4th), Apple (6th), IBM (7th), and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) (8th).

In addition to Canon (9th), Toyota (10th), and Sony (11th), other top-ranked Japanese companies include Panasonic (19th), Hitachi (23rd), NTT (24th), and Fujifilm (25th).


Results of the Trilateral Patent Office Director and Users Meeting International Symposium

On January 30, 2025, the JPO together with Tokyo University of Science hosted the “Trilateral Patent Office Director and Users Meeting International Symposium – IP and Technology Transfer: Building a Growing Innovation Ecosystem” in Tokyo.

The symposium was sponsored by the European Patent Office (EPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as well as the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), the American Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) and Business Europe (BE), which are user organizations in the United States, Japan and Europe.

WIPO Deputy Director General Jorgensen (representing WIPO), EPO President Campinos (representing Europe and its IP Office), JIPA Vice President Wakashiro (representing the Japanese private sector), AIPLA First Vice President Anastasi (representing the US and patent attorneys), and Commissioner Ono (representing Japan and its IP Office) served as panelists.

This symposium was held with the aim of discussing the actual situation of various kinds of IP management in the process of technology transfer of university-generated technology to industry, from the respective standpoints of Japan, the U.S., Europe, industry, government, and academia.


Meeting with WIPO Director General

On February 13, Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), visited the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and met with Minister Muto.

During the meeting, Minister Muto welcomed Director General Tang’s participation in the Osaka-Kansai Expo that will be held this year, and agreed that WIPO and Japan would further cooperate with each other to hold an international forum on the promotion of IP utilization to solve social issues.

On the same day, Director General Tang also visited the Japan Patent Office and met with JPO Commissioner Ono. During the meeting, they shared their recognition of the contribution made to the promotion of WIPO GREEN utilization by holding an international forum at the Expo and awarding prizes to companies that utilize intellectual property. They also exchanged opinions on the further expansion of WIPO GREEN initiatives through the Japan Fund and cooperation in the WIPO GREEN Ambassador Program. The WIPO GREEN Ambassador Program was also discussed at a meeting between Director General Tang and the appointed WIPO GREEN Ambassador for Japan, Mr. Yamamoto (Managing Executive Officer of Daikin Industries, Ltd.) in the presence of the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) and the JPO.


UPC Long-arm jurisdiction

The Unified Patent Court (UPC) decision UPC_CFI_355/2023, issued on January 28, 2025 (FUJIFILM Corporation v. Kodak Holding GmbH, Kodak GmbH and Kodak Graphic Communications GmbH) has been generating discussion.

According to this ruling, the Unified Patent Court has jurisdiction to hear infringement actions with respect to the English portion of a disputed patent if the defendant is domiciled in a contracting state (in this case, Germany). This also applies if the defendant has filed a counterclaim for revocation with respect to the German part of the disputed patent. Even in such a case, the Unified Patent Court has jurisdiction to hear the case with respect to infringement actions relating to the United Kingdom. Although the United Kingdom is a member of the EPC, it has left the EU as a result of Brexit and is, of course, not a signatory to the UPC Agreement.

