


2023 年企業別米国特許取得ランキング

米国知的財産所有者協会(IPO)が2023 年の企業別特許取得ランキングを発表した。IPOによると、2023 年は 312,486 件(前年比 3%減)の特許が発行されている。
ランキングでは、Samsung Electronics 9,036 件で昨年に続き首位となった。2位は4,170件でLGとなり、昨年2位で1993年から2021年まで首位であったIBMは3,953 件で3位となった。4位のQualcommは前年から46%増の3,886 件で昨年の 10 位から大きく順位を上げている。また、今年のランキングでは、Alphabet(Google の親会社)や Appleといった米国の主要IT企業(ビッグテック)が順位を上げトップ10に入っている。





USPTO、非DOCX ファイル形式での特許出願を有料化

USPTO は、非仮出願の特許出願について、明細書・クレーム・要約の電子ファイルが DOCX ファイル形式でない場合に、$400 の追加手数料を課す方針を2023 年末に固め、2024 年1月17日以降の DOCX 形式以外の出願から適用を開始した。
従来、USPTO に対して電子出願を行う場合には、PDF 形式または DOCX 形式での出願が可能であったが、USPTO は、庁内の業務効率化や出願前のエラーチェックの機能改善のために DOCX 形式での出願への移行を推進し、PDF 形式での出願には追加手数料を課すことした。当初は 2022年1月1日より追加手数料の適用が開始される予定であったが、DOCX ファイルが電子出願システム上で誤変換等の不具合を起こす可能性があることから、知財関係者から懸念の声が多く寄せられ、数回にわたり適用開始の時期が延期されていた。
また、USPTO は、知財関係者からの懸念に対応するために、DOCX 形式で出願する場合にバックアップ用の PDF ファイルを無料で同時提出することを従来から認めており、今般の追加手数料の適用開始後であっても、追って通知があるまでは同運用を継続すると説明している。米国知的財産所有者協会(IPO)は、バックアップ用の PDF ファイルの提出が恒久的に認められるのであれば、DOCX形式への移行を支持すると 2023年12月に決議していた。



欧州議会は、2024年1月24日、法務委員会(JURI)にて、欧州委員会が 2023年4月に提案した標準必須特許(SEP)に関する規則案(「欧州委員会、標準必須特許など知的財産に関する一連の規則案を発表(2023年4月27日)」を参照)に対する立場を賛成多数(賛成:13 票、反対:0 票、棄権:10 票)で採択した旨、プレスリリースにて公表した。
これによると、欧州連合知的所有権庁(EUIPO)において、中小企業(SMEs)やスタートアップに対して無料で研修や支援を提供するワンストップショップとして、SEP ライセンス支援ハブ(SEP Licensing Assistance Hub)の設置を求める(規則案第 3 条第 2 項(h))とのことである。
また、中小企業が製品を開発する際に、どの SEP を使用し、その対価を支払う必要があるのか、また、そのような特許を所有している場合、どのように対価を得ればよいのかなど、自社の権利を最も効果的に行使する方法を特定できるよう支援すべき(規則案第61 条第 1 項(a)、(b))とのことである。
さらに、SEP 所有者の登録簿を作成し、どの特許が特定の標準にとって本当に必須なのか、そのような特許の使用に対する正当な対価はいくらなのかを検証し、企業間の関連交渉の支援を提供する(規則案第 13 条)とのことである。
また、学術機関を含む登録ユーザーのために、SEP の条件に関する詳細な情報を掲載した電子データベースを設置すべき(規則案第 5 条)とのことである。
さらに、コンピテンスセンターは、SEP の評価者や当事者間の調停人を養成し、これらの役職に就く候補者の名簿を作成する。これらの候補者が必要な資格を有し、公平であることを保証する規定を追加する(規則案第 27 条)とのことである。
また、コンピテンスセンターはさらに、国内外の特許庁や、SEP を扱う第三国の当局と協力し、EU 域外の SEP 関連規則に関する情報を得る(規則案第 12 条)とのことである。






Newsletter translated into English

U.S. Patent Issuance Ranking by Company for 2023

The American Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) has released its ranking of patents granted by company for the year 2023. According to the IPO, 312,486 patents (down 3% from the previous year) were issued in 2023.
In the ranking, Samsung Electronics took the 1st place with 9,036 patents issued followed by LG with 4,170 patents issued. IBM, which ranked 2nd last year and was the leader from 1993 to 2021, ranked 3rd with 3,953 patents issued. Qualcomm has moved up significantly from last year’s 10th place and came in 4th place, with 3,886, a 46% increase from the previous year. Major U.S. IT companies (big tech) such as Alphabet (Google’s parent company) and Apple moved up in the top 10 in this year’s ranking.
Among Japanese companies, CANON had the highest number with 3,199 patents, up 5% from the previous year, but dropped to 6th place from 5th place last year. For other companies, TOYOTA with 2,667 entries, down 12% from the previous year, dropped from 4th to 7th place, and SONY with 2,057 entries, down 22% from the previous year, dropped from 11th to 14th place.


Revision of Exemption System for Examination Fees

In accordance with the “Law Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, etc. (Law No. 51, June 14, 2023)”, the reduction or exemption of examination fees for patent applications available to small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. will be partially limited by setting a limit to the number of applications. This system will be applied to applications for reduction or exemption of examination fees for examination requests filed on or after April 1, 2024. The system of reduction or exemption of examination fees for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was established for purposes like encouraging inventions by those who have high potential but are unable to fully implement their IP activities due to financial and human resource constraints. However, in light of the fact that the system has recently been used in a manner that is not in line with the goal of the system, the “Law for Partial Amendment of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, etc. (Law No. 51, June 14, 2023)” will set a limit on the number of cases to which the reduction or exemption may be applied. In addition, in the “Cabinet Order Concerning the Establishment of Relevant Cabinet Orders Accompanying the Enforcement of the Law for Partial Amendment of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, etc. (Cabinet Order No. 338 of November 29, 2023),” it was decided to exclude start-up companies, universities, research institutions, etc. from the limitation on the number of cases to which the reduction or exemption can be applied. This Cabinet Order also set the maximum number of cases to be calculated by taking the average number of examination requests by large companies into consideration. The “Ministerial Ordinance Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Patent Law and the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Law Concerning Special Provisions for Procedures, etc. concerning Industrial Property Rights (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 2 of January 31, 2024)” set the maximum number of cases at 180 cases.


USPTO to Charge for Patent Applications in Non-DOCX File Format

At the end of 2023 the USPTO finalized its policy of charging an additional $400 fee for non-provisional patent applications if the electronic files of the specification, claims, and abstract are not in DOCX file format and started to apply this policy to applications filed in non-DOCX format on or after January 17, 2024.
Previously, electronic filings with the USPTO could be filed in either PDF or DOCX format, but the USPTO decided to promote the shift to DOCX format and impose an additional fee for filing in PDF format in order to improve operational efficiency within the agency and to improve the pre-filing error checking function. The additional fee was originally scheduled to be applied from January 1, 2022, but was postponed several times due to many concerns raised by IP professionals that DOCX files may cause problems in the electronic filing system such as erroneous conversion.
To address the concerns of IP professionals, the USPTO has allowed the free simultaneous submission of a backup PDF file when filing in DOCX format, and has explained that it will continue this practice even after the additional fee is applied until further notice. The American Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) had resolved in December 2023 that it would support the transition to the DOCX format if the filing of backup PDF files was permanently permitted.


European Parliament Adopts Position on Draft SEP Regulation in Committee on Legal Affairs

On January 24, 2024, the European Parliament announced in a press release that the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) adopted, by a majority vote (13 votes in favor, 0 votes against, and 10 abstentions), its position on the Commission’s April 2023 proposal for a draft Regulation on standard essential patents (SEP) (see “Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU)” (April 27, 2023)).
The proposal calls for the establishment of a SEP Licensing Assistance Hub at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) as a one-stop shop providing free training and assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups (Article 3.2(h) of the draft Regulation).
It should also assist SMEs in identifying how to most effectively enforce their rights, such as which SEPs they need to use and pay for when developing a product, and how to obtain compensation if they own such patents (Article 61.1(a) and (b) of the draft regulation).
In addition, a registry of SEP holders should be created to verify which patents are truly essential to a particular standard and what the just compensation is for the use of such patents, and to provide assistance in related negotiations between companies (Article 13 of the draft regulation).
Furthermore, an electronic database should be set up for registered users, including academic institutions, with detailed information on the terms and conditions of SEPs (Article 5 of the draft regulation).
A competence center should train SEP evaluators and mediators between the parties and develop a roster of candidates for these positions. A provision will be added to ensure that these candidates have the necessary qualifications and are impartial (Article 27 of the draft regulation).
The Competence Center would further cooperate with national and international patent offices and third country authorities dealing with SEPs to obtain information on SEP-related rules outside the EU (Article 12 of the draft regulation).


Global IP Strategy Forum 2024 Held

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) held the “Global IP Strategy Forum 2024” on January 25, 2024, jointly with the National Institute of Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT). The purpose of this forum is to introduce the latest topics related to management and IP strategies, and to help build IP strategies that are linked to management strategies. This year’s event was held as a hybrid of an on-site venue and live-streaming, with a combined total of over 1,500 participants.
In the morning program, after opening remarks by Commissioner Hamano of the JPO, two keynote speeches and a panel discussion were held on the themes of solving social issues, increasing corporate value, and IP efforts related to IP landscapes, etc. First, Mr. Keiichi Kobayashi, Chairman of the Board of Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. gave a lecture on management methods focusing on IP and intangible assets, and business, IP, and R&D strategies utilizing IP landscapes. Then, Professor Emeritus Kunio Ito of Hitotsubashi University gave a lecture on the key points necessary to realize management that creates corporate value enhancement with IP and intangible assets as the motor, based on the history of deepening and expanding corporate management and governance reforms over the past decade. This was followed by a panel discussion on the current status and future direction of business opportunities for GX-related technologies, as well as the key points that investors place importance on when disclosing GX-related technologies and other non-financial information, in order to promote and disseminate GXTI.
In the afternoon, two panel discussions were held by large companies and start-ups that lead in the practice of IP landscapes, as well as consultants who support IP landscapes. The panelists discussed the ideal human resources and corporate internal systems for implementing IP landscapes, including specific examples of how to prepare IP department members for the practice and the need for a change of mindset, etc. After that, a panel discussion was held by three globally active start-up companies on their IP strategies at each stage of growth and points to keep in mind when expanding their business globally.
